
Top 250 MSSPs: 2022 List and Managed Security Services Research are Here

“Feel the fame, feel the glamor. Now you too can be a star and walk down the red carpet.Also check out:”
The Top 250 MSSPs of 2022 list and honorees surface during this Webcast (available on-demand). Further research and analysis are set to debut at MSSP Alert Live 2022 (September 19-21, Washington, D.C.)

The Top 250 MSSPs research and rankings for 2022 leverage our sixth annual worldwide readership survey—conducted from April to August 2022—along with MSSP Alert’s editorial coverage.  

Join Us Online: During our Webcast(available on-demand) we covered:

  • Some of the key research findings involving MSSP revenues, M&A activity, key managed security services offered and more.
  • Quick-hit profiles of companies ranked 250 through 101.
  • The complete list of MSSPs ranked 100 to 1.
  • Where to find the complete list and research online post-webcast.

Learn More In-Person: During MSSP Alert Live 2022 (September 19-21, Washington, D.C.), we will share deeper MSSP, MDR and MSP security trends culled from the research.

Special thanks to MSSPs, MSPs and MDR (managed detection and response) service providers worldwide that participated in the survey. We look forward to sharing and further discussing the findings during our Webcast (live today, on-demand thereafter) and in-person at MSSP Alert Live 2022.

Joe Panettieri

Joe Panettieri is co-founder & editorial director of MSSP Alert and ChannelE2E, the two leading news & analysis sites for managed service providers in the cybersecurity market.