Generative AI, Content, Content, Security Program Controls/Technologies, Threat Intelligence

Ironscales Premiers Public Beta of AI Email Security Platform

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Ironscales, a cloud email security provider, has launched the beta version of its Themis Co-pilot for Microsoft Outlook, a GPT-based power chat assistant for self-service reporting.

Powering Themis Co-pilot is PhishLLM, its own large language model (LLM) hosted within the Ironscales infrastructure. This is the first in the company’s suite of generative artificial intelligence (AI) apps for email security. Themis Co-pilot, built on top of PhishLLM, taps into Ironscales' Themis AI security data set that's derived from millions of security events.

Ironscales CEO Eyal Benishtisaid the Themis Co-pilot will help organizations stop email attacks without additional cost or complexity:

“Our unique approach of combining AI and human insights is transforming email security. We believe our continuous feedback loop between our AI, human insights, and SAT capabilities is the most comprehensive approach to email security and remains unmatched by other vendors in the industry.”

Email, Phishing Attacks Grow

The announcement comes at a time when rates of business email compromise (BEC) and other advanced phishing attacks are climbing exponentially as they expose vulnerabilities in traditional email security solutions with social engineering tactics. BEC now represents more than 50% of incidents within the social engineering pattern.

According to the 2023 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR), 74% of breaches involved a human element. Human error continued to be a weak link in the cybersecurity chain, with some involvement in nearly three in four (74%) of events. that's despite an emphasis on employee training.

Phishing and business email compromise are two examples of social engineering that require an employee mistake to propagate.

What Themis Co-pilot Delivers

Themis Co-pilot for Outlook is currently available through a public beta. The platform enables IT and security admins to:

  • Mobilize employees as a critical line of defense with the ability to question suspicious emails and gain real-time actionable insights to confidently report threats and take a more active part in threat hunting
  • Reduce the number of user-reported false positives and free up the security team for other important business initiatives
  • Leverage Themis Co-pilot to report emerging threats, proper classification will automatically remediate similar threats across the environment and train the Ironscales machine learning element to look for these threats in the future.
D. Howard Kass

D. Howard Kass is a contributing editor to MSSP Alert. He brings a career in journalism and market research to the role. He has served as CRN News Editor, Dataquest Channel Analyst, and West Coast Senior Contributing Editor at Channelnomics. As the CEO of The Viewpoint Group, he led groundbreaking market research.