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Managed Security Services Provider Morning News: 13 October 2017

Each morning MSSP Alert broadcasts a quick lineup of news, analysis and chatter from across the global managed security services provider, SOC (security operations center) and IT outsourcing ecosystem.

Here’s the lineup for Friday, October 13, 2017:

5. DHS Investments: The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has awarded $8.6 million to five mobile application security R&D projects. We'll take a closer look soon.

4. Talent: There are more executive changes at Kaspersky Lab as the company attempts remain relevant in the U.S. channel. It won't be easy. Staples is the latest big box retailer to pull Kaspersky's security products from its store shelves -- joining similar decisions by Best Buy and Office Depot. The U.S. government banned Kaspersky's software from federal networks, alleging the company has ties to Russia spying activities. Kaspersky denies the allegations.

3. On Second Thought: The IRS has temporarily suspended the $7.2 million, no-bid contract it awarded to Equifax to verify the identities of taxpayers when they create accounts on its website, Politico reported. Um... What took so long?

2. Another Equifax Breach?: One month after the massive Equifax breach, the credit reporting service is investigating a separate concern. This time, the controversy involves an Equifax webpage that apparently attempts to send customers malware. Equifax has taken down the webpage amid the investigation.

1. Cybersecurity Conferences: Next week's key cyber conferences include the QSC17 Qualys Customer Conference, McAfee MPower Cybersecurity Summit Americas, and the Fraud and Breach Prevention Summit. We'll be tracking each of those events closely. Check the MSSP Alert Cybersecurity Conference Calendar for a complete list of events stretching through 2018 and beyond.

Joe Panettieri

Joe Panettieri is co-founder & editorial director of MSSP Alert and ChannelE2E, the two leading news & analysis sites for managed service providers in the cybersecurity market.

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