Offensive Security (OffSec), a company that specializes in information security training and certification, has acquired open source security training resource hub
VulnHub for an undisclosed sum. The acquisition supports OffSec's mission to provide practical training content to cybersecurity professionals, according to a prepared statement.
This is
M&A deal 309 that MSSP Alert and ChannelE2E have covered so far in 2020.
VulnHub will continue to provide free, open source cybersecurity content, OffSec stated. It also intends to update its catalog of IT assets that are legally hackable, breakable and exploitable by design.
What Is VulnHub?
VulnHub is used by schools, governments and other organizations for cybersecurity training. It offers materials designed to help cybersecurity professionals gain hands-on experience in digital security, computer software and network administration.
Furthermore, VulnHub offers offline virtual machines (VMs) that enable cybersecurity professionals to practice security techniques without competing with other learners, OffSec indicated. VulnHub ensures that cybersecurity professionals won't have to worry about consistent internet access, high pings or latency and can set up their own private labs to practice and learn new security skills.
OffSec will expand the services available on VulnHub and extend VulnHub's integration with OffSec's products, the company stated. In doing so, OffSec intends to increase access to information security training resources.
VulnHub also has an opportunity to grow to its full potential, according to OffSec. It will produce new security training materials and provide security walkthroughs and solutions and joins OffSec's The Exploit Database, Metasploit Unleashed and Kali Linux to provide free training resources to cybersecurity professionals.