Each day MSSP Alert broadcasts a quick lineup of news, analysis and chatter from across the global managed security services provider ecosystem.Here’s the lineup for Friday, August 4, 2017:4. Major Hospital Outage: All computer systems are up and running again in Copenhagen's hospitals after an error caused a major network breakdown on Friday, Reuters reported. It doesn't sound like a hack or cyberattack was involved in the Denmark healthcare system outage.3. Earnings: Qualys revenues were $55.3 million in Q2 2017, up 14 percent from Q2 2016. When normalized for the impact of FX (foreign exchange) and an MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider) contract, revenues increased by 18% over the same quarter in 2016, the company says. GAAP net income was $7.2 million, up sharply from $3.5 million in Q2 2016. Qualys now offers cloud-based security and compliance solutions to more than 9,300 customers in 120 countries. 2. IBM Security: IBM's BlueMix cloud service is finally phasing out TSL1 encryption support. Smart moving, considering so many folks consider that encryption standard to be antiquated...1. Cybersecurity Conference: The Fraud and Breach Prevention Summit is set for next week (August 8-9) in New York City. Find that event and dozens more on MSSP Alert's Cybersecurity Summit & Conference Calendar. Free Publicity: Is your conference listed on our calendar? If not, visit the calendar and submit your event info for possible publication.