
CylanceGUARD: The Comprehensive Security Solution from BlackBerry Cylance


BlackBerry Cylance just debuted CylanceGUARD, a comprehensive security solution that delivers continuous threat prevention across the entire enterprise and response automation powered by BlackBerry Cylance’s groundbreaking artificial intelligence platform.

CylanceGUARD is a 24x7 managed detection and response (MDR) offering that provides actionable intelligence to prevent and respond to threats quickly, minimizing alert fatigue while delivering the context required to streamline investigations led by world-class threat hunting and incident response experts.

The solution also provides an advanced orchestration engine with custom filters to reduce false positives and alert fatigue, bolstering an organization’s security posture by providing automated remediation rules to reduce the time lost to manual incident response actions. CylanceGUARD provides proactive threat hunting processes beyond simple alert management, freeing up human resources for other security initiatives and instantly maturing a customer’s security program.

CylanceGUARD increases overall environment visibility and simplifies complex workflows to dramatically reduce dwell time in identifying and remediating attacks and the proliferation of system intrusions. Benefits include:

  • Prevention-first methodology-based threat hunting leveraging our native AI model
  • In-depth threat analysis to identify emerging trends and new attacks more efficiently
  • 24x7 coverage with web and mobile application access on iOS and Android
  • Transparency into the triage and response actions by analysts
  • Hunting methodologies beyond just alert management, stopping threats before they become incidents

CylanceGUARD meets all the resource requirements an organization needs for threat hunting and leverages the pre-execution abilities of CylancePROTECT, the post-execution monitoring and blocking capabilities of CylanceOPTICS, and the white-glove onboarding and operationalization benefits of ThreatZERO.

For more information or a demo of CylanceGUARD, visit HERE.

Guest blog courtesy of BlackBerry Cylance. Read more BlackBerry Cylance blogs here.