
Clients Drive MSSPs to Enhance Their Managed Detection and Response


Traditional cybersecurity technology has not kept pace with today’s advanced threats and stealthy attackers who exploit security gaps. Many organizations have over-invested in technologies to prevent threats, when a more balanced approach is needed to also prioritize detect and response approaches to cybersecurity. With the evolving threat landscape and expanded remote workforce, small-and-medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are looking for IT providers with expertise in providing Managed Detection and Response (MDR). This creates a perfect opportunity for IT providers looking to help solve this business need.

Insights on Managed Detection and Response

Managed Detection and Response (MDR) is an emerging offering, and vendor definitions and solutions vary widely. Gartner defines MDR this way:

Managed detection and response (MDR) providers deliver 24/7 threat monitoring, detection and response services to customers leveraging a combination of technologies such as advanced analytics, threat intelligence, and human expertise in incident investigation and response. MDR providers undertake incident validation, and can offer remote response services, such as threat containment.

For comprehensive coverage, MDR requires multiple capabilities including 24/7 visibility with a Security Operations Center (SOC), log correlation and analytics with Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), along with endpoint protection with Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR). MSPs focused on rounding out a mature managed security practice find that the robust and flexible SOC-as-a-Service (SOCaaS) typically fits best. It is applicable to all verticals and tailor-made to the challenges of SMBs who lack the staff and expertise found in larger enterprises. However, as with the case of any emerging trend, there are many variations of MDR and the key is determining which version is the most effective, efficient, and scalable for you and your customers.


MDR combines people, processes, and technology to uncover known and never-seen threats. With a managed service like MDR, you work with a trusted partner capable of comprehensive monitoring and proactive incident detection, and threat hunting. A SOC with 24/7 visibility and SIEM and EDR technology enables you to predict, prevent, detect, and respond (PPDR) rapidly to tactics and techniques that adversaries use in the cybersecurity “kill chain”.  Cybersecurity experts are difficult to hire and even more challenging to retain in today’s job market; a managed service like MDR allows you to offer these value-added services without having to hire the experts yourself. SOC-as-a-Service (SOCaaS) from a provider such as Netsurion enables you to quickly offer MDR to your customer base.

Unlike siloed Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) software, the more comprehensive MDR and SOCaaS encompasses the entire network of assets and users. MDR also focuses on internal risks as well as external threats. Larger, more well-funded organizations have embraced MDR for its pragmatic results that reduce attacker damage.

Flexible MDR solutions enable MSPs to:

Expand Security Offering and Addressable Market

  • Leverage your existing technical background and customer relationships
  • Minimize start-up costs and accelerates your learning curve with a co-managed solution
  • Contributes new annual recurring revenue (ARR) to your organization
  • Add more value to customers as a trusted advisor for business-critical services]

Improve MSP Cybersecurity Posture and Productivity

  • Uncover adversaries who evolve their nefarious techniques to evade detection
  • Scale your organization’s capabilities without adding staff or capital expenses
  • Prioritize real threats with fewer false positives that waste valuable staff time
  • Apply advanced threat detection techniques to your own organization and internal network

Solve SMB Cybersecurity and Compliance Challenges

  • Target SMBs face the same threats as larger organizations, but who often lack staff and expertise
  • Offer defense-in-depth when an estimated 40% of cyber threats bypass traditional security
  • Link rapid detection with proactive response to catch threats faster – something customers of all sizes and verticals value
  • Enable compliance-centric solutions for regulated industries like healthcare and banking
  • Provide 24/7/365 Security Operations Center (SOC) visibility and monitoring

Assessing Your MDR Options

MDR definitions can vary widely, so MSSPs should carefully assess a vendor’s capabilities and proven track record. As you evaluate MDR for your own portfolio and customers, look at your own strengths and weaknesses. One size does not fit all scenarios, so tailor MDR to your environment and relevant use cases.

Look to the Future

MDR solutions are gaining traction by addressing growing cybersecurity threats and the SMB staff and skills gap. Many MSSPs look to Netsurion for MDR services because of our unified capabilities, including:

  • Continuous monitoring and visibility
  • Threat intelligence and incident management
  • Security analytics and reporting
  • Co-managed model

Netsurion provides an integrated approach to managed detection and response beyond standalone point solutions. Explore the advantages of managed security at Netsurion today.

Blog courtesy of Netsurion, which offers the EventTracker security platform. Read more Netsurion guest blogs here.