Guest blog sponsored by Lookout and written by Alan Phillips, director of product management, Lookout.There’s no denying that mobile devices have become essential tools for employees — they facilitate communication and boost productivity by providing access to corporate resources from virtually anywhere. But that convenience comes at a cost.The role of the mobile device, in terms of how much can be done with them and the amount of data they can give users access to in a convenient and familiar form factor, has made them indispensable to the modern workforce. Threat actors have identified this mobile edge as a particularly vulnerable point of entry, whether due to poor patch management, unauthorized applications, ill-advised web browsing, or social engineering via channels such as SMS and social media apps.
Unfortunately, mobile devices are often a blind spot for the security operations center (SOC), and now more than ever, security teams need visibility into this mobile world to give them a better chance at protecting their organizations.To protect corporate resources and maintain a robust security posture, integrating mobile security data into existing endpoint and data security strategies is no longer optional — it’s a necessity. Lookout is excited to introduce our new Mobile intelligence APIs. These APIs provide security teams with the ability to seamlessly integrate vital mobile security data into their existing tool sets, such as SIEM, SOAR, or XDR. This level of visibility eliminates the mobile blind spot and allows teams to correlate usage and threat data across their organization, providing a unified and airtight security strategy regardless of the endpoint.