
RMM Solutions: 5 Things MSPs Should Consider


Managed service providers (MSPs) are technology specialists. As experts in hardware and software, MSPs always stay current on the latest tech. Their reputation is built on an understanding that they are constantly finding new ways to implement technology to deliver the best solutions. MSPs are also part of a close-knit community where they’re willing to share ideas, best practices, and suggestions with each other.

When compared at a high level, it is understandable that the most popular RMM tools are viewed as basically doing the same thing. They all patch, automate scripts, have remote control, take inventory of the environment, monitor, generate alerts, integrate with PSAs, and so on. The differences between them are more subtle and nuanced but are becoming less important as deciding factors.

MSPs who evaluate RMMs based on their technical functionality often choose to sacrifice some of that technical capability in favor of solving other pressing challenges. The decision then comes down to evaluating the cost difference, which may be difficult to justify, for trading off marginal functionality.

There are numerous channels, forums, groups, and events where MSPs congregate to learn from each other and further their expertise on the technology they implement, both within their clients’ environments and their own businesses. Any MSP-focused community will invariably find a cross-section of new, emerging, and veteran MSPs exchanging notes on what technology to use, how to use it best, and what to steer clear of. Here are five tips to help get you started:

  1. Platform: Legacy software architectures were not built with today’s MSP in mind and are struggling to adapt to the increased demand generated by IoT, large consolidated infrastructures, and everything becoming a managed asset. MSPs are looking for platforms with the capacity and stability to grow and mature with their business.
  2. Momentum: New problems are always emerging, and solutions are only as good as the problems they resolve. MSPs are looking for vendors who have a long-term vision, a clear product roadmap, and a track record of delivering product updates frequently and on time.
  3. Elegance: Hiring and retaining top talent continues to be a challenge. MSPs prefer solutions that help employees get work done, but are also enjoyable to use. The more frustrating software is to use, the more likely employees become dissatisfied with their employment.
  4. Security: MSPs are critically inspecting the security features of software solutions and the security postures of software vendors. MSPs have a lot at stake and are moving away from less secure options in favor of solutions that proactively help to secure their business and their end-clients.
  5. Experience: There is no one-size-fits-all Customer Experience offering for MSPs after the initial sale. What is preferred are vendors who recognize the diversity of business operations and offer a variety of consulting and support services to accommodate a wide range of scenarios. MSPs are also inquiring with their peer communities to identify software vendors who provide the best support by responding and resolving requests in the quickest time.

The features that have attracted an MSP to an RMM solution in the past are not the same that are retaining them as customers today. As the MSP market continues to mature and MSPs become more knowledgeable through their communities, the experiences of peers are more influential than the words on vendors’ websites. What MSPs prefer for their RMM solution is shifting away from the technical features and ultra-powerful tools toward solutions that actively deliver on a vision, sustain a strong architecture that is capable of growing well into the future, is enjoyable to use by everyone in the organization while keeping their customers safe from persistent threats, and is backed by a vendor who deeply understands and is empathetic to their needs.

To learn more about what MSPs should seek in an RMM solution, download Datto’s eBook, Choosing an RMM Solution: 5 Factors for MSPs to Consider. Check it out today.

Author Michael Bienvenue is product marketing manager for Datto RMM. Read all Datto blogs here.