- Global spending on cybersecurity products and services to combat cybercrime will exceed $1 trillion cumulatively over the next five years, from 2017 to 2021.
- Cybercrime globally will cost $6 trillion annually by 2021, double that of 2015.
- Some 1.5 million cybersecurity jobs in the U.S. will be open by 2019, 50 percent more than in 2016.
- The U.S. cybersecurity unemployment rate will remain at 0% over the next 5 years, from 2017 to 2021.
Cybersecurity Skills Gap: MSSPs to the Rescue?
MSSPs may be cybersecurity’s “saving grace,” the analyst contended in its recent Cybersecurity Jobs report, compiled in a collaboration with MSSP the Herjavec Group.
Here’s how Herjavec’s CEO Robert Herjavec, paints the scenery:
“Managed Security Services is the new house alarm. The logs tell you if your house is safe. The insights SOCs can draw from data correlation will tell you if the other houses on the street are getting robbed. Security technology management keeps the system fine tuned. But the secret sauce? That’s in data enrichment. That’s where the magic happens.”
Of course, the oft-stated hurdles to outsourcing security don’t evaporate once a business opts to relinquish some measure of control by working with a third-party provider, including the proper vetting process for trained expertise, operations and technology to lock in safeguards.
And, the notion that security operations center-equipped MSSPs are best suited to companies lacking internal IT resources and talent may have to be relegated to the sidelines: The data shows it’s not only smaller organizations but also CISO-overseen enterprises that suffer from a dearth of security pros.
MSSPs Face Their Own Challenges
Certainly, MSSPs themselves face an imbalance of available talent. However, rather than competitors against businesses seeking talent, perhaps, in this era of full security employment, they are better regarded as collaborators. As Cybersecurity Ventures suggests, inasmuch as MSSPs perform “most of the cutting edge work” in cybersecurity, they present an alluring draw for fresh candidates.
Indirectly, then, companies engaging with MSSPs could benefit from a talent infusion without incurring some of the burdens of locating, educating and recruiting new people. In that regard, people, as in third-party MSSPs, are another ingredient in the solution if you look in more than one place.