
Managed Security Service Provider Morning News: 17 August 2017

Each morning MSSP Alert broadcasts a quick lineup of news, analysis and chatter from across the global managed security services provider ecosystem.

Here’s the lineup for Thursday, August 17, 2017:

12. North Korea Cyber Weapons: Amid concerns about North Korea's nuclear weapon R&D, here's a disturbing reminder. That country already has cyber weapons of mass destruction, NBC news reports. No doubt, all MSSPs already know that troubling factoid. But while the casual consumer worries about a new age of nuclear weapons, most likely don't realize how the cyber arms race could impact us all...

11. Another China VPN Warning: Chinese authorities have issued a warning to the country's top e-commerce platforms, including Alibaba Holding Group's, over the sale of illegal virtual private networks (VPNs) that allow users to skirt state censorship controls, Reuters reported. Several major companies, including Apple, have already bowed to China and removed VPN capabilities from their products and/or app stores.

10. Cisco Security Revenue: Cisco's security revenue was a bit less than expected in the company's most recent quarter, raising concerns that the networking giant's transition to software, cloud and recurring revenues will take longer than expected. Still, Cisco's security business is growing amid heavy investments in marketing, sales, channel and R&D initiatives. Moreover, Cisco partners are buying security specialists that understand network protection. The most recent deal, announced yesterday, involves Fidelus Technologies acquiring assets from Something Digital.

9. Cybersecurity Alliance, Part 1: Los Angeles officials plan to launch a public-private initiative to combat cybersecurity threats by sharing information on attacks with businesses and helping residents and businesses better protect their online communications and data, BizJournals reported. This could be a serious networking opportunity for MSPs and MSSPs that serve the Los Angeles area. Check out LA Cyber Lab for details.

8. Cybersecurity Alliance, Part 2: Deloitte has inked a cybersecurity alliance with Unified Technologies, a Pan-Regional IT solutions provider with operations in the Caribbean and North America. The alliance will strengthen Deloitte's cybersecurity services in the Caribbean and Bermuda region.

7. IoT Security Guidance: The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has issued a new draft revision of its widely used Special Publication (SP) 800-53, Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations. Among the big areas of focus: Proper Internet of Things security.

Nigel Williams

6. Key MSSP Gathering: Palo Alto Networks VP of Global MSSP Channels Nigel Williams is set to meet with partners next week in Las Vegas. The gathering is part of Palo Alto's overall Sales Kick Off (SKO) 2017 event. The security company has been testing MSSP Security Specializations for partners since sometime in 2016. Now, it sounds like those plans are accelerating. We're pursuing more details.

5. Managed Data Protection: In a savvy move, Rackspace has shifted the managed security conversation toward data protection. Indeed, the cloud-centric MSP has launched a Privacy and Data Protection (PDP) service to  help "identify and protect sensitive data in a customer’s environment such as intellectual property, customer payment information and personally identifiable information, while meeting strict compliance requirements around securing data at rest." Sounds Familiar: Rackspace's move parallels our mission statement for launching MSSP Alert earlier this year. We believe all MSPs must address the urgent need to safeguard customer assets.

4. Managed Security Service: CoNetrix Technology has launched Network Threat Protection, a managed security service that spans endpoint protection, email protection, Internet content filtering, firewall monitoring and more.

John Negron
Jordan Mauriello

3. MSSP Partner Program: Tenable has launched Tenable Assure, an overarching channel partner program that also includes a dedicated MSSP focus. Chief Revenue Officer John Negron is driving the program. The company's cybersecurity platform allows service providers, partners and customers to understand their assets, networks and vulnerabilities,  Tenable claims. True believers include Jordan Mauriello, CTO at Critical Start -- an MSSP in Dallas. More than 23,000 organizations leverageTenable's platform so far.

Jim Akerhielm

2. MSP Cyberattack Update: Yesterday, we told you that TekLinks -- a leading MSP and CSP -- discovered a cyberattack targeting at least one of its customer's servers. The update: TekLinks CEO Jim Akerhielm confirmed additional details about the attack to MSSP Alert and our sister site, ChannelE2E.

1. Join Us Today: You're an MSSP that's trying to improve your email marketing and lead generation strategy. For quick tips to generate quick wins, attend today's ChannelE2E Webcast at 2:00 p.m, ET. The Topic: "How to Build an Email Marketing List that Converts" (Yes, Register now.) ChannelE2E, by the way, is MSSP Alert's sister website for IT service providers that want to maximize their business performance and company valuations.

Joe Panettieri

Joe Panettieri is co-founder & editorial director of MSSP Alert and ChannelE2E, the two leading news & analysis sites for managed service providers in the cybersecurity market.

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