Each morning MSSP Alert broadcasts a quick lineup of news, analysis and chatter from across the global managed security services provider, SOC (security operations center) and IT outsourcing ecosystem.Here’s the lineup for Tuesday, May 29, 2018.6. Convicted - IT Consultant: John Kelsey Gammell, a 46-year-old from New Mexico has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for conducting sustained DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks against his ex-employer Washburn Computer Group, a point-of-sale system repair company, HackRead reports.5. M&A Rumor: U.S. software company Verint Systems is in talks to buy NSO Group, an Israeli maker of cyber surveillance products, for about $1 billion, according to The Wall Street Journal. 4. Crypto Thief: London police have recently seized £500,000 (about US$667,000) worth of bitcoin from a hacker who reportedly attacked over 100 companies with phishing schemes, which gave him access to at least 78 million individual usernames and passwords, CryptoGlobe reports.3. Canadian Banks Hacked: Bank of Montreal and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce said on Monday that cyber attackers may have stolen the data of nearly 90,000 customers in what appeared to be the first significant assault on financial institutions in the country, Reuters says.2. Government Cybersecurity: The Department of Homeland Security has issued a new Binding Operational Directive -- called 18-02 -- designed to further protect high-value assets in the federal government from cyber attacks, FCW reports.1. SOC Guidance: Need some? Register now and join our next MSSP Alert webcast.