N-Dimension Solutions is helping
Vermont Electric Cooperative (VEC), the largest member-owned electric distribution cooperative in the Green Mountain State, minimize cybersecurity risks. The managed security services provider (MSSP) recently announced VEC deployed its
N-Sentinel Monitoring solution to detect and address cybersecurity issues. It's part of N-Dimension's strong push into the utility vertical.
VEC now can use N-Sentinel Monitoring to identify affected IT systems and understand which actions to take to resolve cybersecurity problems, according to N-Dimension.
N-Sentinel Monitoring offers an intrusion detection service for VEC and other utilities, and its features include:
- Hybrid service delivery.
- Internal and external traffic monitoring.
- Threat alerting.
- Threat data and reporting.
- Utility cyber community intelligence.
In addition, N-Sentinel Monitoring empowers VEC to respond to cyber threats faster than ever before, N-Dimension indicated.
"We have a perimeter firewall and intrusion protection system, but it only monitors traffic coming in and going out of our network – not what's going on inside of it," VEC Information Technology Specialist Fred Wiseman said in a
prepared statement. "N-Sentinel Monitoring provides us with visibility into suspicious activities and provides the information we need to be proactive."
N-Dimension Supports Utility Companies
N-Dimension has growing momentum in the utility vertical. For instance,
Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative (MVEC), a member-owned rural electric cooperative, has
deployed N-Sentinel Monitoring to help safeguard all of the utility's IT and operations networks and data.
Also, N-Dimension last month reported Minnesota electric utility company
East Central Energy (ECE)
began using N-Sentinel Monitoring for additional cybersecurity protection on its corporate network.
N-Dimension in April surpassed 100 utility customers across the Americas. The MSSP continues to explore ways to help utility companies identify and mitigate rapidly evolving cyber threats.
"We offer a unique solution that we will continue to evolve to address the needs of all types of utilities in the future. In addition to increasing our market reach, we are investing in our technology to defend against the next generation of cyber threats on the horizon," N-Dimension CEO Tom Ayers said in a
prepared statement.
Global Managed Security Services Market Is Growing
The utilities sector is one of many industries driving the global managed security services segment's growth, market research firm
Global Industry Analysts pointed out.
Moreover, Global Industry Analysis has predicted the global managed security services market will be
worth $35.8 billion by 2022.