
Leverage a Human-Centric Cybersecurity Strategy Using Managed XDR

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While companies of all sizes are impacted by increasingly sophisticated cyberthreats, small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) have become cyber criminals' preferred target. According to the BlackBerry 2022 Threat Report, SMBs receive 11-13 threats per day, per device. This number could increase as companies continue to implement remote, hybrid, bring-your-own-device (BYOD), work-from-anywhere (WFA) policies.

In many organizations, overworked and overwhelmed security teams are often forced to focus on basic “blocking and tackling,” as opposed to taking a strategic, holistic approach to cybersecurity. Other companies struggle with understanding what security solutions can adapt to their evolving needs. These companies often resort to “panic buying”–investing in a myriad of security solutions that don’t integrate and communicate with each other. In addition to incurring unnecessary costs, security teams lack the visibility and control they need, and also experience alert fatigue. With an estimated shortage of four million cybersecurity workers globally, companies can’t afford to lose their security talent due to burnout.

The good news is that deploying a human-centric approach to cybersecurity leveraging AI-powered tools and automation can help organizations become as agile, adaptable, and resilient as those looking to do them harm.

Managed XDR as the Foundation for a Human-Centric Security

Managed extended detection and response (XDR) is the foundation of a human-centric security strategy. It builds off the managed detection and response (MDR) services framework by incorporating extended detection (XDR) visibility across the enterprise; the evolution of endpoint detection and response (EDR), which optimizes threat detection, investigation, response, and hunting in real time. 

Managed XDR also augments security operation center (SOC) and IT teams with technical experts who leverage AI and machine learning to provide 24x7x365 monitoring and detection, rapid investigation and mitigation, and expert threat identification and hunting across all attack surfaces. This helps minimize alert fatigue experienced by in-house resources and enables them to focus on key security initiatives versus spending precious time triaging alerts or recovering from an attack. 

Combining seasoned cybersecurity analysts with managed XDR services empowers organizations to take a prevention-first approach to security while realizing the following benefits. 

  • Threat Activity Monitoring and Prioritization: 83% of security professionals experience alert fatigue. A managed XDR solution offers continuous management of incoming alerts. It classifies and prioritizes these alerts to ensure analysts only spend time researching credible threat information.
  • Advanced Threat Identification: Advanced persistent threats (APTs) and other sophisticated cyber criminals have developed tools and techniques to remain undetected by many traditional cybersecurity solutions. XDR allows intelligent threat hunting on the endpoint, throughout the environment, and beyond the network perimeter. It may also use predictive AI to detect and prevent traditional and zero-day malware.
  • Centralized, Integrated Tools: 82% of organizations are building a security architecture that integrates multiple products. These products can accumulate over time, increasing expense and complexity while reducing visibility and control. Managed XDR can combine threat intelligence across tools and platforms and centralize it for easier reference and use. Trained analysts operate the managed XDR platform, reducing the need for in-house staff to learn and monitor multiple security tools.

Enhance Your Customers’ Security Postures with CylanceGUARD

CylanceGUARD provides organizations with a managed extended detection and response (XDR) platform staffed 24x7x365 by professional security analysts. This service offers businesses of all sizes the tools, resources, and expertise to detect, identify, and remediate sophisticated cyberthreats. CylanceGUARD leverages Cylance AI to enhance the network effect of intelligence across your security ecosystem—taking you from a reactive to a proactive security posture.

  • AI-Powered Endpoint Protection: Advanced machine learning uncovers malware, fileless, and user-based threats in the environment.
  • 24x7x365 Monitoring: Expert CylanceGUARD analysts, offering an average of 10-15 years’ hands-on cybersecurity threat intelligence and incident response expertise provide constant “eyes-on-glass” protection.
  • Continuous Threat Detection and Hunting: Prevention-first threat detection using AI/ML, behavior analytics, and hunting sweeps for common attacker tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) to uncover subtle threats and prevent major disruptive threats. CylanceGUARD also provides cross-tool threat-hunting using telemetry from across the BlackBerry® cybersecurity suite–CylancePROTECT, CylanceOPTICS, CylancePERSONA and CylanceGATEWAY–and third-party vendor sensors for a comprehensive view of the organization’s vulnerabilities.
  • Incident Management: Advanced orchestration, playbooks, triage, and filtering protocols provide efficient incident management protocols for organizations.
  • Continuous Authentication: Cylance AI leverages passive biometrics and behavioral analytics to derive a real-time risk score to protect corporate resources.
  • Integrated Intelligence : CylanceGUARD integrates with third-party tools to extend its native capabilities.
  • Mobile-Optimized Security: Cylance AI-powered mobile device security provides protection from mobile phishing, malware attacks, and insider threats.

Cyberthreats are perpetually evolving as criminals gain deeper knowledge and understanding of their targets’ environments. Deploying a human-centric approach to cybersecurity with managed XDR as its foundation offers organizations a way to maintain strong, flexible, and adaptive security postures. 

Please visit our BlackBerry MSSP Partners page to learn how the BlackBerry suite of AI-powered solutions can help your organization defend against sophisticated and coordinated cyberattacks.

Guest blog courtesy of BlackBerry Cylance. Read more BlackBerry Cylance blogs here. Regularly contributed guest blogs are part of MSSP Alert’s sponsorship program.